Goal Talks

The 1st half X GOAL Talks – a very special project that combines the passion of conversation mental health and some fantastic humans that love football and all its many aspects.

This is a series of special short interviews done for Goal Initiative Foundation by the 1st half podcast that highlights the power of sports and its ability to help in all aspects of mental health.

Get your Mind Going and get your Body going and you will have your best chance to deal with all that comes your way.

Squawk & Gobble - Maison Publique

The GOAL initiatives Foundation 314 views 2021-07-15 04:00

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAWK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while they work their way out of the last year and half. 

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information. 
Enjoy this EP with  KAMUY  


‘SQUAWK &  GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.

 Le restaurant KAMUY lance aujourd’hui. 

 De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Pumpkin sauce

Curry sauce
1 oignon ciselé
40 g de gingembre ciselé
6 brindille de thym
1 cuil. à S. completed seasoning
1 cuil à S.  de pâte de tomate
1 cuil. à S. curry madras
1 cuill. à S. seasoning complete
2 cuil. à S. curry jamaïcain
250 ml  fond de légumes
2 cans de crème de coco Savoy
Sel au goût
40 ml huile végétale
1 scotch bonnet entier

Chauffer l¹huile dans une casserole à feu moyen, cuire la pâte de tomate
30 secondes, suer l¹oignon, gingembre, ajouter le thym puis les currys et
le seasoning complete.
Déglacer avec la crème de coco puis mouiller avec le fond de légumes et
laisser cuire et réduire de 25 %.
Finir avec completed seasoning et le sel au goût.

Courge Rôtie
1/4 courge de type calabaza
75 ml huile d¹olive
Sel et poivre

Préchauffer le four 350 F
Couper la courge à 3/4 de pouces
Huilée et assaisonnée.
Rôtir pour 15-20 minutes et reposer.

Mélange de légumes:
125 g de champignons
1 grosse carotte
2 grosse pomme de terre
1 courgette

Couper la carotte et les pomme de terre en grosse cube et les blanchir
dans de l¹eau bouillante pendant 8-10 minutes

Poêler les champignons et la courge dans une poêle très chaude pendant
2-3 minutes


Transférer la courge, les légumes et les champignons dans la sauce et la
mijoter 5 minutes pour un mélange de saveur hors du commun assaisonnée de
sel au besoin.

Riz Blanc
2 cup Jasmine Rice
2 cup of water
1 scallion
1 garlic clove
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Butter

1. In a large pot sauté scallion and garlic in olive oil.
2. Add water and salt a bring to a boil.
3. Wash the rice with cold water till the water is clear to take out the starch of the rice
4. Add the washed rice to the boiling water.
5. When the liquid is nearly dry, add the butter and reduce the heat to slow and cover the pot for 15-20 min then serve.

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAWK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while they work their way out of the last year and half.

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.
Enjoy this EP with KAMUY


‘SQUAWK & GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.

Le restaurant KAMUY lance aujourd’hui.

De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Pumpkin sauce

Curry sauce
1 oignon ciselé
40 g de gingembre ciselé
6 brindille de thym
1 cuil. à S. completed seasoning
1 cuil à S.  de pâte de tomate
1 cuil. à S. curry madras
1 cuill. à S. seasoning complete
2 cuil. à S. curry jamaïcain
250 ml  fond de légumes
2 cans de crème de coco Savoy
Sel au goût
40 ml huile végétale
1 scotch bonnet entier

Chauffer l¹huile dans une casserole à feu moyen, cuire la pâte de tomate
30 secondes, suer l¹oignon, gingembre, ajouter le thym puis les currys et
le seasoning complete.
Déglacer avec la crème de coco puis mouiller avec le fond de légumes et
laisser cuire et réduire de 25 %.
Finir avec completed seasoning et le sel au goût.

Courge Rôtie
1/4 courge de type calabaza
75 ml huile d¹olive
Sel et poivre

Préchauffer le four 350 F
Couper la courge à 3/4 de pouces
Huilée et assaisonnée.
Rôtir pour 15-20 minutes et reposer.

Mélange de légumes:
125 g de champignons
1 grosse carotte
2 grosse pomme de terre
1 courgette

Couper la carotte et les pomme de terre en grosse cube et les blanchir
dans de l¹eau bouillante pendant 8-10 minutes

Poêler les champignons et la courge dans une poêle très chaude pendant
2-3 minutes


Transférer la courge, les légumes et les champignons dans la sauce et la
mijoter 5 minutes pour un mélange de saveur hors du commun assaisonnée de
sel au besoin.

Riz Blanc
2 cup Jasmine Rice
2 cup of water
1 scallion
1 garlic clove
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Butter

1. In a large pot sauté scallion and garlic in olive oil.
2. Add water and salt a bring to a boil.
3. Wash the rice with cold water till the water is clear to take out the starch of the rice
4. Add the washed rice to the boiling water.
5. When the liquid is nearly dry, add the butter and reduce the heat to slow and cover the pot for 15-20 min then serve.

1 0


Squawk & Gobble - KAMÚY

The GOAL initiatives Foundation 59 views 2021-07-08 04:00

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAWK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information. 

Thrilled to have this Episode  9 with Fugazzi Pizza all set up to raise funds for the foundation. During the month of June every LADY GAGA Pizzas Sold from either location the same one that was produced within the episode will have 1$going to GOAL. 

Enjoy some great pizza support the community & love life.


‘SQUAWK &  GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison. 

Nous sommes ravi d'avoir cet épisode 9 mis en place pour collecter des fonds pour la fondation. Tout au cours du mois de juin, à l'achat de pizzas LADY GAGA vendues dans toutes nos succursales Fugazzi Pizza, nous remettrons 1$ par pizza vendue à la fondation.

Profitez de bonnes pizzas, soutenez la communauté et aimez la vie.

 De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

-1 grosse carotte pelé et râpée 
-4 noix de Grenoble coupé en deux (préférablement trempé dans l’eau pendant une nuit) 
-1 cuillère à thé de cannelle -1/2 cuillère à thé de piment de la Jamaïque (All-Spice) 
-4 dattes coupés 
-1/2 tasse (125 ml) de lait d’amandes 
-1 cuillère à thé d’extrait de vanille

Dans votre mélangeur combinez tous les ingrédients et activer.
-250g pizza dough
-2oz sauce tomate 
-30g  calabrese vegan
-50g fake mozza
-15g fake Parmesan 

Bake for 6 to 8 min at 400

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAWK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.

Thrilled to have this Episode 9 with Fugazzi Pizza all set up to raise funds for the foundation. During the month of June every LADY GAGA Pizzas Sold from either location the same one that was produced within the episode will have 1$going to GOAL.

Enjoy some great pizza support the community & love life.


‘SQUAWK & GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.

Nous sommes ravi d'avoir cet épisode 9 mis en place pour collecter des fonds pour la fondation. Tout au cours du mois de juin, à l'achat de pizzas LADY GAGA vendues dans toutes nos succursales Fugazzi Pizza, nous remettrons 1$ par pizza vendue à la fondation.

Profitez de bonnes pizzas, soutenez la communauté et aimez la vie.

De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

-1 grosse carotte pelé et râpée
-4 noix de Grenoble coupé en deux (préférablement trempé dans l’eau pendant une nuit)
-1 cuillère à thé de cannelle -1/2 cuillère à thé de piment de la Jamaïque (All-Spice)
-4 dattes coupés
-1/2 tasse (125 ml) de lait d’amandes
-1 cuillère à thé d’extrait de vanille

Dans votre mélangeur combinez tous les ingrédients et activer.

-250g pizza dough
-2oz sauce tomate
-30g calabrese vegan
-50g fake mozza
-15g fake Parmesan

Bake for 6 to 8 min at 400

4 0


Squawk & Gobble - Fugazzi Pizza

The GOAL initiatives Foundation 186 views 2021-06-01 16:19

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information. 

Enjoy this EP with PUB BURGUNDY LION  –


‘SQUAWK &  GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison. 

 Le restaurant PUB BURGUNDY LION lance aujourd’hui une nouvelle recette à créer dans le confort de votre domicile. 

 De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

For the sauce:

·         2 tablespoons of vegetable/canola oil
·         2 tablespoons butter
·         2 small onions (or 1 large onion) finely diced
·         1 1/2 tablespoons garlic finely grated
·         1 tablespoon ginger finely grated
·         1 1/2 teaspoons garam masala
·         1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
·         1 teaspoon turmeric powder
·         1 teaspoon ground coriander
·         14 oz (400g) tomato puree (tomato sauce/Passata)
·         1 teaspoon Kashmiri chili (optional for colour and flavour)
·         1 teaspoon ground red chili powder (adjust to your taste preference)
·         1 teaspoon salt
·         2 cups Veg stock
·         1 teaspoon brown sugar
·         4 tablespoons Fresh cilantro or coriander to garnish
·         1 head cauliflower
·         1 can chickpeas


1. Blanch all vegetables in salty water and reserve
2. Melt the butter in a pan. Fry the onions until soft (about 3 minutes) while scraping up any browned bits stuck on the bottom of the pan. 
3. Add garlic and ginger and sauté for 1 minute until fragrant, then add garam masala, cumin, turmeric and coriander. Fry for about 20 seconds until fragrant, while stirring occasionally.
4. Pour in the tomato puree, chili powders and salt. Let simmer for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally until sauce thickens and becomes a deep brown red colour.
5. Stir the veg stock and sugar through the sauce. Add the blanched veg and chickpeas back into the pan and cook for an additional 8-10 minutes until its warm through and the sauce is thick and bubbling. Pour in the water to thin out the sauce, if needed.
6. Garnish with cilantro (coriander) and serve with rice pilaf

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.

Enjoy this EP with PUB BURGUNDY LION –


‘SQUAWK & GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.

Le restaurant PUB BURGUNDY LION lance aujourd’hui une nouvelle recette à créer dans le confort de votre domicile.

De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

For the sauce:

· 2 tablespoons of vegetable/canola oil
· 2 tablespoons butter
· 2 small onions (or 1 large onion) finely diced
· 1 1/2 tablespoons garlic finely grated
· 1 tablespoon ginger finely grated
· 1 1/2 teaspoons garam masala
· 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
· 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
· 1 teaspoon ground coriander
· 14 oz (400g) tomato puree (tomato sauce/Passata)
· 1 teaspoon Kashmiri chili (optional for colour and flavour)
· 1 teaspoon ground red chili powder (adjust to your taste preference)
· 1 teaspoon salt
· 2 cups Veg stock
· 1 teaspoon brown sugar
· 4 tablespoons Fresh cilantro or coriander to garnish
· 1 head cauliflower
· 1 can chickpeas


1. Blanch all vegetables in salty water and reserve
2. Melt the butter in a pan. Fry the onions until soft (about 3 minutes) while scraping up any browned bits stuck on the bottom of the pan.
3. Add garlic and ginger and sauté for 1 minute until fragrant, then add garam masala, cumin, turmeric and coriander. Fry for about 20 seconds until fragrant, while stirring occasionally.
4. Pour in the tomato puree, chili powders and salt. Let simmer for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally until sauce thickens and becomes a deep brown red colour.
5. Stir the veg stock and sugar through the sauce. Add the blanched veg and chickpeas back into the pan and cook for an additional 8-10 minutes until its warm through and the sauce is thick and bubbling. Pour in the water to thin out the sauce, if needed.
6. Garnish with cilantro (coriander) and serve with rice pilaf

3 0


Squawk & Bobble - Burgundy Lion

The GOAL initiatives Foundation 78 views 2021-05-26 20:34

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information. 

Enjoy this EP with ELENA  –


‘SQUAWK &  GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.

 Voici. l'épisode Elena! 

 De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Recipe :

Spicy Rapini Hoagie with Buffalo Mozzarella Makes 2 hoagies
Prep time 25 min

This is a very simple but extremely delicious vegetarian sandwich. The anchovy helps to boost the “meatiness” of the rapini but is easily omitted. We make our hoagie buns fresh every morning, but there is no shame in using a delicious bakery fresh bun! We like a lot of seeds and not too crusty of a textured bread. A hoagie shouldn’t destroy your mouth when you eat it.

2 buns
1 bunch rapini
5 cloves garlic, finely chopped and divided in half 2 filets anchovy chopped (optional)
1 tsp chili flakes
3 tbsp olive oil, plus more for finishing
Salt to taste
1 lemon cut in wedges for garnish
1x 100g ball of buffalo mozzarella
4 tbsp bomba spread or marinated pepperoncini 1/3 cup butter

Preheat oven to 450F. In a small pot over medium-low heat, melt 1⁄2 cup butter and add half of the chopped garlic. Simmer gently for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat and set aside.

Clean the rapini, removing and discarding 2 inches from the bottom of each stem. Chop the rest of the rapini into 1 inch pieces. Preheat a frying pan (cast iron if you have) and add 3 tbsp of olive oil and chopped anchovy filets, allowing them to heat up together for about 30 seconds. Add the chopped rapini and toss in the hot fragrant oil for about 2 minutes. Season with salt, chili flakes and remaining chopped garlic. Toss for another 10 seconds to give the garlic a chance to cook, then remove from heat and transfer to a plate to cool.

Slice the Buffalo Mozzarella into 1⁄4 inch circles. Cut the buns open lengthwise and place on a baking sheet to prepare to dress the hoagies. Brush the insides of the buns generously with garlic butter. Next, spread some bomba on the bottom of the bun, followed by the sauteed rapini, the mozzarella circles and more bomba on top. Place in preheated oven with the buns open, and toast for 5 minutes, or until the inside of the buns begin to take on a little color and the mozzarella is just starting to melt. Remove from oven and squeeze a little fresh lemon juice. Sprinkle a little bit of flakey salt, and lightly drizzle over some olive oil. Close sandwiches, cut in half and serve!

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.

Enjoy this EP with ELENA –


‘SQUAWK & GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.

Voici. l'épisode Elena!

De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Recipe :

Spicy Rapini Hoagie with Buffalo Mozzarella Makes 2 hoagies
Prep time 25 min

This is a very simple but extremely delicious vegetarian sandwich. The anchovy helps to boost the “meatiness” of the rapini but is easily omitted. We make our hoagie buns fresh every morning, but there is no shame in using a delicious bakery fresh bun! We like a lot of seeds and not too crusty of a textured bread. A hoagie shouldn’t destroy your mouth when you eat it.

2 buns
1 bunch rapini
5 cloves garlic, finely chopped and divided in half 2 filets anchovy chopped (optional)
1 tsp chili flakes
3 tbsp olive oil, plus more for finishing
Salt to taste
1 lemon cut in wedges for garnish
1x 100g ball of buffalo mozzarella
4 tbsp bomba spread or marinated pepperoncini 1/3 cup butter

Preheat oven to 450F. In a small pot over medium-low heat, melt 1⁄2 cup butter and add half of the chopped garlic. Simmer gently for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat and set aside.

Clean the rapini, removing and discarding 2 inches from the bottom of each stem. Chop the rest of the rapini into 1 inch pieces. Preheat a frying pan (cast iron if you have) and add 3 tbsp of olive oil and chopped anchovy filets, allowing them to heat up together for about 30 seconds. Add the chopped rapini and toss in the hot fragrant oil for about 2 minutes. Season with salt, chili flakes and remaining chopped garlic. Toss for another 10 seconds to give the garlic a chance to cook, then remove from heat and transfer to a plate to cool.

Slice the Buffalo Mozzarella into 1⁄4 inch circles. Cut the buns open lengthwise and place on a baking sheet to prepare to dress the hoagies. Brush the insides of the buns generously with garlic butter. Next, spread some bomba on the bottom of the bun, followed by the sauteed rapini, the mozzarella circles and more bomba on top. Place in preheated oven with the buns open, and toast for 5 minutes, or until the inside of the buns begin to take on a little color and the mozzarella is just starting to melt. Remove from oven and squeeze a little fresh lemon juice. Sprinkle a little bit of flakey salt, and lightly drizzle over some olive oil. Close sandwiches, cut in half and serve!

1 0


Squawk & Gobble - Elena

The GOAL initiatives Foundation 125 views 2021-05-19 03:06

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!
SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.
Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.
Enjoy this EP with LE BIRD BAR
‘SQUAWK &  GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.
Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.
Le restaurant LE BIRD BAR  lance aujourd’hui sa recette de Buuuuutiful bugles with pan con tomate dip.
De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Pan con tomate dip for the beautiful bugle bites

-2 ripe Italian tomatoes
-2 peeled garlic cloves
-¼ - ½ cup of (good quality) extra virgin olive oil

- Grate the tomatoes directly into the dipping bowl, discarding any extra skin that stays in your hand once almost done grating. 
- Micro plane (or tiny side of grater) the garlic into the tomato 
- Add ¼ to ½ cup of olive oil 
- Salt to taste

Note: this sauce can be kept in the fridge for 3-4 days. Delicious on toast, or anything really! 
Add some freshly sliced jalapenos for a kick!

Buuuuutiful bugles with pan con tomate dip
Yields; 1 tray of happiness for 2-6 people

Time; 1 hour (including all mise en place) 
Note to you: this is a loose recipe for a SUPER FUN riff off nachos / pizza / calzone and doesn’t take time to make and can easily be done with kids at home. Have fun with it, the sauces and ingredients used to fill each bugle bite are easily adaptable and easily replaced by your fave fillings, just make sure there’s cheese to bind and keep it all together!

-4X 12-inch wraps; 
-4 cups of baby spinach, sautéed with garlic, cooled
-1 cup of shredded mozzarella (or any shredded cheese of your choice!)
-½ cup of shredded parmigiana
-2 cups of air-fried or deep fried or oven baked cauliflower florets
-1 cup in squeeze tube of ranch (or a bowl and an espresso spoon- OR add it to a Ziplock, that’s kinda a makeshift piping bag once you cut the corner!!!)
-1 squeeze tube of BBQ sauce (see above info for no-squeeze tubes)
-1 cup of crunchy fried onion or shallots or even crushed up frito chips!!!
-½ cup of chopped green onion
-Optional; Pickled jalapeños (sliced)

- Get all your mise en place together (all the ingredients prepped as per the left column!) this is the most fun about cooking- having all prep ready to use, so we can build a beautiful tower of cheesy bugle bites. (the name stuck, what can I say) 
- For the cauliflower florets; I did mine with a simple corn meal crust; dredge the raw cauliflower, then egg then seasoned cornmeal & air fried for 20 mins at 400.. but you just need some type of filing, so this can be replaced with broccoli or even just more cheese!! 
- Set your air fryer to 450, take the pan con tomate bowl or mason jar you plan to use for presentation and put it in the middle of the tray, so you can build your bugles around it, right before you put them in the oven, take the bowl out of the middle to cook the bugles, and easily return it to its designated and saved space after cooking 
- Cut your tortilla wrap in half, then cut those sections in half, and once again, those in half! Now you are left with cute little triangles. 
- Squeeze a spot BBQ of sauce on the triangle, add a bit of cheese and all the different stuffing, and roll it out like a little bugle! 
- Continue to do this until you have a mountain of bugles sitting on top of each other, sprinkling a bit of cheese in between layers so that it all sticks to itself once in the oven. They seem delicate now, but they will really hold up WELL once they are cooked. Trust me 
- Cook the beautiful bugle bites for 15 mins* (keep an eye on it if your oven is strong!) add the sauce and serve!

If you make it, please tag and share with me on @labluesy 

Bon appetite!!

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!
SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.
Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.
Enjoy this EP with LE BIRD BAR
‘SQUAWK &  GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.
Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.
Le restaurant LE BIRD BAR  lance aujourd’hui sa recette de Buuuuutiful bugles with pan con tomate dip.
De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Pan con tomate dip for the beautiful bugle bites

-2 ripe Italian tomatoes
-2 peeled garlic cloves
-¼ - ½ cup of (good quality) extra virgin olive oil

- Grate the tomatoes directly into the dipping bowl, discarding any extra skin that stays in your hand once almost done grating.
- Micro plane (or tiny side of grater) the garlic into the tomato
- Add ¼ to ½ cup of olive oil
- Salt to taste

Note: this sauce can be kept in the fridge for 3-4 days. Delicious on toast, or anything really!
Add some freshly sliced jalapenos for a kick!

Buuuuutiful bugles with pan con tomate dip
Yields; 1 tray of happiness for 2-6 people

Time; 1 hour (including all mise en place)
Note to you: this is a loose recipe for a SUPER FUN riff off nachos / pizza / calzone and doesn’t take time to make and can easily be done with kids at home. Have fun with it, the sauces and ingredients used to fill each bugle bite are easily adaptable and easily replaced by your fave fillings, just make sure there’s cheese to bind and keep it all together!

-4X 12-inch wraps;
-4 cups of baby spinach, sautéed with garlic, cooled
-1 cup of shredded mozzarella (or any shredded cheese of your choice!)
-½ cup of shredded parmigiana
-2 cups of air-fried or deep fried or oven baked cauliflower florets
-1 cup in squeeze tube of ranch (or a bowl and an espresso spoon- OR add it to a Ziplock, that’s kinda a makeshift piping bag once you cut the corner!!!)
-1 squeeze tube of BBQ sauce (see above info for no-squeeze tubes)
-1 cup of crunchy fried onion or shallots or even crushed up frito chips!!!
-½ cup of chopped green onion
-Optional; Pickled jalapeños (sliced)

- Get all your mise en place together (all the ingredients prepped as per the left column!) this is the most fun about cooking- having all prep ready to use, so we can build a beautiful tower of cheesy bugle bites. (the name stuck, what can I say)
- For the cauliflower florets; I did mine with a simple corn meal crust; dredge the raw cauliflower, then egg then seasoned cornmeal & air fried for 20 mins at 400.. but you just need some type of filing, so this can be replaced with broccoli or even just more cheese!!
- Set your air fryer to 450, take the pan con tomate bowl or mason jar you plan to use for presentation and put it in the middle of the tray, so you can build your bugles around it, right before you put them in the oven, take the bowl out of the middle to cook the bugles, and easily return it to its designated and saved space after cooking
- Cut your tortilla wrap in half, then cut those sections in half, and once again, those in half! Now you are left with cute little triangles.
- Squeeze a spot BBQ of sauce on the triangle, add a bit of cheese and all the different stuffing, and roll it out like a little bugle!
- Continue to do this until you have a mountain of bugles sitting on top of each other, sprinkling a bit of cheese in between layers so that it all sticks to itself once in the oven. They seem delicate now, but they will really hold up WELL once they are cooked. Trust me
- Cook the beautiful bugle bites for 15 mins* (keep an eye on it if your oven is strong!) add the sauce and serve!

If you make it, please tag and share with me on @labluesy

Bon appetite!!

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Squawk & Gobble - Le Bird Bar

The GOAL initiatives Foundation 81 views 2021-05-12 15:58

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org
Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.
Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.



‘SQUAWK &  GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.
Le restaurant TAVERNE ATLANTIC  lance aujourd’hui sa recette de fettuccini avec panais rôtis et fromage pecorino..

De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Servings: 2 to 4
Allergens: egg, flour, fish, lactose
-       250 g egg dried fettucini
-       250 g peeled parsnip, cut in 1cm cubes
-       45 ml extra virgin olive oil
-       1big garlic clove, peeled and crushed
-       2 crushed filets of anchovy in oil
-       60 ml small capers
-       30 ml unsalted butter
-       150 ml grated pecorino + more for plating
-       1/2 lemon in juice + zests for plating
-       60 ml chopped parsley + few leaves for plaiting
-       salt to taste
-       freshly ground pepper from the mill to taste
-       spiced pecans to taste

Recipe :
-       Start a pot with 4 liters of well salted water and bring to a boil.
-       During that time, roast the parsnip cubes with the olive oil in a large pan; big enough to flip the pastas in later. Let the parsnip roast well before shaking them. Might take 7 to 10 minutes before they all roasted. Season with salt.
-       Close the fire and add the garlic, anchovies, capers and butter. Toss and let butter melts and keep on the closed round  stove top.
-       During that time cook the pastas in the salted boiling water; respect the cooking time on the packaging.
-       Once pastas cooked, pull them out of the water with tongs in the pan with parsnip. Add 100ml of the cooking water to the pan and bring it to a boil.
-       Out of the fire, add the pecorino, the lemon juice, parsley and ground pepper. Toss well to create a creamy sauce by emulsify the cheese, butter and cooking water.
-       Taste and rectify seasoning.
-       Plate in bowls and garnish each bowls with crush spiced pecans, grated pecorino, fresh ground pepper, lemon zests and parsley leaves.



ALLERGENS : nut, egg

-       100 g roasted pecans in half (almonds could be a good choice too)
-       1 egg white
-       1,25 ml salt
-       1,25 ml sugar
-       1,25 ml ground cumin
-       1,25 ml smoked paprika
-       1,25 ml ground coriander   

Recipe :
-       Whip the egg white in a steel bowl to get it frothy.
-       Add the pecans in and toss well with a rubber spatula. All pecans have to be coated with the egg white.
-       Toss in the salt, sugar and spices. Mix well.
-       Spread the nuts on a bakery sheet covered with parchemin paper.
-       Cook in the oven at 350° during 10 minutes and toss them every 2 minutes.
-       Let the nuts to cool down and dry at room temperature for 15 minutes.
-       Could be a very good snack, served at happy hour or a great garnish on a salad.

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org
Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.



‘SQUAWK & GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.

Le restaurant TAVERNE ATLANTIC lance aujourd’hui sa recette de fettuccini avec panais rôtis et fromage pecorino..

De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Servings: 2 to 4
Allergens: egg, flour, fish, lactose

- 250 g egg dried fettucini
- 250 g peeled parsnip, cut in 1cm cubes
- 45 ml extra virgin olive oil
- 1big garlic clove, peeled and crushed
- 2 crushed filets of anchovy in oil
- 60 ml small capers
- 30 ml unsalted butter
- 150 ml grated pecorino + more for plating
- 1/2 lemon in juice + zests for plating
- 60 ml chopped parsley + few leaves for plaiting
- salt to taste
- freshly ground pepper from the mill to taste
- spiced pecans to taste

Recipe :
- Start a pot with 4 liters of well salted water and bring to a boil.
- During that time, roast the parsnip cubes with the olive oil in a large pan; big enough to flip the pastas in later. Let the parsnip roast well before shaking them. Might take 7 to 10 minutes before they all roasted. Season with salt.
- Close the fire and add the garlic, anchovies, capers and butter. Toss and let butter melts and keep on the closed round stove top.
- During that time cook the pastas in the salted boiling water; respect the cooking time on the packaging.
- Once pastas cooked, pull them out of the water with tongs in the pan with parsnip. Add 100ml of the cooking water to the pan and bring it to a boil.
- Out of the fire, add the pecorino, the lemon juice, parsley and ground pepper. Toss well to create a creamy sauce by emulsify the cheese, butter and cooking water.
- Taste and rectify seasoning.
- Plate in bowls and garnish each bowls with crush spiced pecans, grated pecorino, fresh ground pepper, lemon zests and parsley leaves.



ALLERGENS : nut, egg

- 100 g roasted pecans in half (almonds could be a good choice too)
- 1 egg white
- 1,25 ml salt
- 1,25 ml sugar
- 1,25 ml ground cumin
- 1,25 ml smoked paprika
- 1,25 ml ground coriander

Recipe :
- Whip the egg white in a steel bowl to get it frothy.
- Add the pecans in and toss well with a rubber spatula. All pecans have to be coated with the egg white.
- Toss in the salt, sugar and spices. Mix well.
- Spread the nuts on a bakery sheet covered with parchemin paper.
- Cook in the oven at 350° during 10 minutes and toss them every 2 minutes.
- Let the nuts to cool down and dry at room temperature for 15 minutes.
- Could be a very good snack, served at happy hour or a great garnish on a salad.

4 0


Squawk & Gobble - Taverne Atlantic

The GOAL initiatives Foundation 157 views 2021-05-05 04:00

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!
SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.
Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.
Enjoy this EP with ICHIGO ICHIE


‘SQUAWK &  GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.
Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.
Le restaurant ICHIGO ICHIE  lance aujourd’hui sa recette pour la série Goal Talks.
De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Recipe // Recette
Daikon (Japanese radish) Salad

Daikon and English cucumber --cut into "battonet" 
Red onion -- fine slice  
“Salad mix" or lettuce ( Iceberg or romaine ) 
Mini tomato , Asparagus etc....... like any crispy fresh veggies
Bonito flakes and shredded Nori for garnish 

Soya-Yuzu salad dressing:
Garlick    1 or 2 cloves
Salt          1 tsp
Black pepper       1/2 tsp
Yuzu juice         3 TBS
Vinegar   ( Japanese rice vinegar)     8 TBS
Soya sauce                                           8 TBS
Canola oil                                             24 TBS  (or more)
Grilled ( seared ) Scallop

Fresh Scallops  Salt and Pepper
Butter,  Yuzu juice and Soya sauce to make sauce

For more information about Goal Initiatives or to donate, please visit: https://goalinitiatives.org

Let’s continue to support our restaurateurs!

SQUAK & GOBBLE wants to continuously shine a spotlight on these locations so that it keeps everyone talking about restaurants while we wait for dining rooms to be given the greenlight to re-open and reminds everyone about the great food available now for takeout.

Conversation is an important part of the GOAL Initiatives programs as it allows a sharing of ideas and information.

Enjoy this EP with ICHIGO ICHIE


‘SQUAWK & GOBBLE’ veut garder l’intérêt et faire parler des restaurants est primordial, le dialogue étant une partie importante des programmes GOAL Initiatives car il permet et met de l’avant un partage d'idées et d'informations.

Joignez-vous aux chefs préférés des Montréalais qui partageront avec vous leurs recettes dans le confort de votre maison.

Le restaurant ICHIGO ICHIE lance aujourd’hui sa recette pour la série Goal Talks.

De nouvelles recettes seront partagées tout au long du printemps et de l’été.

Recipe // Recette
Daikon (Japanese radish) Salad

Daikon and English cucumber --cut into "battonet" 
Red onion -- fine slice  
“Salad mix" or lettuce ( Iceberg or romaine ) 
Mini tomato , Asparagus etc....... like any crispy fresh veggies
Bonito flakes and shredded Nori for garnish 

Soya-Yuzu salad dressing:
Garlick    1 or 2 cloves
Salt          1 tsp
Black pepper       1/2 tsp
Yuzu juice         3 TBS
Vinegar   ( Japanese rice vinegar)     8 TBS
Soya sauce                                           8 TBS
Canola oil                                             24 TBS  (or more)
Grilled ( seared ) Scallop

Fresh Scallops  Salt and Pepper
Butter,  Yuzu juice and Soya sauce to make sauce

8 0


Squawk & Gobble - Ichigo Ichie

The GOAL initiatives Foundation 192 views 2021-04-28 22:17